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  1. KSLunsfo

    Sneak Peek - Goblin V2

    Any chance those rear "side pods" would remotely work on a V1?
  2. KSLunsfo

    SOLD OTTP Delrin Control Arm Bushings

    I guess responding only minutes after the bump a couple weeks back wasn't fast enough....
  3. KSLunsfo

    SOLD OTTP Delrin Control Arm Bushings

    Yeah you may very well be right, maybe it's just the different ball joint posts that are different. I'm not positive...
  4. KSLunsfo

    SOLD OTTP Delrin Control Arm Bushings

    I take it these fit the LNF arms? If so I think I'll take em!
  5. KSLunsfo

    ‘95 Corvette convertible

    This is all great until you're in the boonies with no service :D
  6. KSLunsfo

    Stretch’s ext. track goblin #386 SS/TC

    Is it a wheel hop you're experiencing under hard-ish braking? What tire pressure are you running? If it's the same issue, I was experiencing a harsh wheel hop under hard braking until I dropped front tire pressure down to ~15 or so. (Was really only running a higher pressure to keep the dummy...
  7. KSLunsfo

    Corbeau Seats

    Just curious, do you have the wide or narrow corbeaus? Is the passenger seat also in the middle position? I have my driver's seat in the middle position and passenger seat in the rearmost position since they obviously don't need to reach pedals or anything. I haven't pulled the trigger on the...
  8. KSLunsfo

    Ghostknife's #383 Track SS/SC

    Yes, that should be correct, assuming the lower port does in fact open the WG. At least I think that's the case for most all WGs...
  9. KSLunsfo

    Ghostknife's #383 Track SS/SC

    Right, I was just thinking of it from the standpoint of eliminating as many variables as possible. If it doesn't work right plumbed directly WG to boost source then it will never work right any other way, unless it's something intermittent going on which doesn't sound like the case so far.
  10. KSLunsfo

    Ghostknife's #383 Track SS/SC

    Have you tried plumbing your wastegate directly to a boost source to eliminate all potential boost control issues to see what you get? This way you should just get pressure based on the wastegate spring.
  11. KSLunsfo

    Justin Reed Racing DF Goblin

    Yeah I see the slight hill / hump that led into that turn now...
  12. KSLunsfo

    Justin Reed Racing DF Goblin

    Glad it was just a simple brush with a guard rail. Kind of looks like he lost steering altogether...
  13. KSLunsfo

    New daily, who dis? (Bronco upgrade thread)

    Sounds like you're already buying enough for it lol... Sounds like a build to me...
  14. KSLunsfo

    Front splitter installation and reviews

    I take it the tow bar mount simply bolts directly onto the front of the heim joint using the new SHCS through the upper mount? Is that bolt provided by DF with the tow bar kit? Wondering if I can find out the specs of the these bolts so I can source/buy a couple. I'm debating making a bracket...
  15. KSLunsfo

    Fenix's Goblin #461 - 2010 Base Auto

    I opted to weld in M4 nuts into the inside of the tunnel (after opening the holes up a bit) as opposed to rivnuts. I chose that route due to the thickness of the rivnut flange that would add to the overall width of the tunnel (even though not by much). I didn't want to have trouble getting the...
  16. KSLunsfo

    Front splitter installation and reviews

    Ohhh, I see that now. Thanks!
  17. KSLunsfo

    Front splitter installation and reviews

    How is the black bracket attached? Is there another bracket behind that bolted in front of (or behind) the upper control arm?
  18. KSLunsfo

    Montana LLC's, let's talk about a new filing.

    I see, thanks for the clarification. Yeah, also can see how the car comes into the picture, kind of a scary thought. Guess this also takes some of the possible anonymity out of the LLC and it's owner when dealing with an LLC that was created through an agent like this? One of the somewhat...
  19. KSLunsfo

    Montana LLC's, let's talk about a new filing.

    Just kind of thinking out loud... how can they ever actually get money out of a company, LLC or whatever that's effectively worth nothing? Also, they cannot go after individuals related to the company correct? Thought that was kind of the point of an LLC.
  20. KSLunsfo

    Brake fluid reservoir

    If I'm not mistaken it's a blind hole and doesn't actually enter the reservoir at all...