Oil Leak


Active Member
Need advice. I have a 2008 turbo donor engine with 65K miles on it. ZZP tune. Oil is leaking from the rear main seal. A friend of mine, who is a GM master mechanic, told me that the easiest fix is to buy an engine support beam so that the subframe and engine can be dropped enough to remove the transmission and replace the seal. It was my intention to separate the engine from the car and then do it. (I have never done that type of thing). He said his method would avoid wiring harness issues, etc. Please let me know your experience. Thanks. Obviously, I respect my friend's experience but he doesn't have a goblin. You guys do.


Goblin Guru
There isn't enough room in a goblin engine bay to separate the engine from the transmission. I tried.
You have to drop them both as a unit.


Active Member
Thanks for your answers. My friend believes that an engine support beam would allow tilting of the engine in the bay after being dropped a few inches so that one could remove the tranny. My eyeball look agrees with you fellows and you have the experience that I don't have. He didn't want me to have to remove the turbo and associated stuff AND all the electrical connections. I'll just eat it and drop the engine. Yuk.

Here is the leak after seven 46 second autocross runs. Double yuk. Dropped the diffuser from Nine Lives.


Scott #321

Well-Known Member
If you have a lift making a support table to hold the engine and drop it slightly will allow the trans removal without draining coolant or disconnecting the engine electrical. I have done this twice due to a leak dumping oil on my clutch. Make sue to have someone to make sure you don't over stretch any hoses or wiring but I had no issues.



Well-Known Member
If you have a lift making a support table to hold the engine and drop it slightly will allow the trans removal without draining coolant or disconnecting the engine electrical. I have done this twice due to a leak dumping oil on my clutch. Make sue to have someone to make sure you don't over stretch any hoses or wiring but I had no issues.

View attachment 49869
I used a horrible freight hydraulic table. I usually use it for putting transmissions on the bench but it sometimes works as a powertrain table


Goblin Guru
On a Goblin. DISCONNECT BATTERY. Car on jack stands in the rear. Engine supported with regular engine hoist from above. Tires off. Removed half shafts, pulled calipers aside and hung them close by. Disco lower ball joints, disco trans wiring and clutch pipe. Disconnect lower motor mounts, drop sub frame, disconnect upper trans mount, disco shifter cables, remove bell housing bolts, drop trans.
R&R took us about 5 hours first time. One extra person is huge help!(possibly a requirement)
I tried to include everything. My main points are it takes time and be methodical. There are rewards for patience and none for speed. Human hands built this, you can do this. No magic, mostly patience and persistence.