
  1. jirwin

    2.2/2.4 Supercharger Kit, AEM Methanol Injection Kit, Various other parts

    Ok! I'm finally getting around to getting rid of some of my old stuff! The 2.2/2.4L supercharger kit and methanol injection kit I would like to sell all together, but if I have trouble selling I'll consider piecing things out. Would prefer local pickup, and will offer a discount if so. Otherwise...
  2. JSATX

    ZZP Shorty exhaust header-sold

    Installed turbo, no need for the manifold anymore. All years, base and S/C Shorty header, regular priced at $169. I did get it on sale so passing those savings along. $70 plus actual shipping. https://zzperformance.com/ecotec/ecotec-shorty-header.html These are stainless but tarnish very...