Rear brake T


Well-Known Member
My loss of brake pedal is due to the rear brake tee on the driver's side. Removed and put some sealant on the threads and reseated and waited about 24hrs. The leak is on the inside of the nut not around the threads. Do I need a new line from DF Or should I just AN line it. Opinions please.


Goblin Guru
Typically, the sealing portion of brake lines is the flare on the metal lines pushed against a mating surface. Not sure that putting sealant anywhere will help. I had to get on mine enough to almost round off the nut. Some have had luck repeatedly loosening and tightening the nut to help seat the line.

If this doesn't work, you need to inspect the mating surfaces for damage. If the flare is bad replace the line or re-flare it. If the flare looks good, you may need to replace the tee.


Well-Known Member
Removing that T will be a pain with the runner and seats and all, I'll try and reseat. I put sealant on the thread due to not knowing if it was the threads or not.


Goblin Guru
Without flaring, pick up the correct fitting/line at the auto parts and a union. Cut the new line and the line at the corresponding distance on the goblin. Add union and now new flared line.


Well-Known Member
Locally a place has a unbent 60" line with bubble flare and the m10x1. I'm going to pick up that and a cheap bending tool. Should be easiest way to get it done. The old line is about 60".
I unbent the line already forgot that compression fittings were a thing.