
Well-Known Member
Our ice and snow finally left town in time for arctic temps. Looks like we are fixin to have somewhat back to normal temps soon. I asked my son if he wanted to ride to the surplus shop this weekend and I just got the “are you for real?” Look :)


Goblin Guru
The sun came out yesterday and melted almost everything. Today we will be mid 40s. Tomorrow mid 50s.

Scott #321

Well-Known Member
Woo Hoo tomorrow it is going to get to a blistering 30 degrees, no freezing rain expected till next week. Might have to get the motorcycle out.


Well-Known Member
Is it on the trucks tail gate? You can lower the tailgate, wrap the cables around the posts one loop and it’ll give you a slightly better down angle view. Life hacks for the win…..
It's on the tailgate. I have the zoom button as well that's helps with trailer hook up. It's makes it slightly easier to see



Goblin Guru
I imagine that's what it looks like for bros with 12" lifts and huge frame-braced drop hitches on their trucks.


Goblin Guru
I need to replace the clutch and flywheel but between the heat and working on the engine swap project. I have pulled the intake and exhaust off and disconnected most of the harness. I started 2nd shift again at work today so I do have time in the mornings before it gets to hot to work some. I'll put out a new video later this week or this weekend on the clutch flywheel swap...
How did your clutch replacement work out. I am right in the middle of doing mine.

