Just a brief intro to who I am and what I'm working with!
About Me: I'm a Mid Michigan Gear Head. I used to be part of a college race series through SAE called Baja. In the series, I got to help design, manufacture, and race a single seat off-road vehicle. The scale was small, but the competition was challenging and rewarding. For all of those that appreciate that kind of work (which looks like everyone from what I've read), I highly suggest checking it out. Anyways, I really wanted to take that kind of fun and excitement and transfer it into something I can cherish everyday on the road. The Goblin has captured every bit of that want, and now I have a doner to start tearing into soon!
The Car: It's a 2007 SS - runs and drives. Nothing special about it, but plenty of wear and tear to freshen up. I was lucky enough to find someone in my area selling it as their winter beater that they had no use for after the snow melted. That being said, there is little to no brakes, a bouncy suspension, and a bit of body damage where the snow led the car into a highway divider. Glad the fascia isn't needed!
I also am in a group of people who really appreciate kit cars. One co-worker is a few months away from finishing up his 818. Another buddy just ordered his Exocet. Come the completion of our kits, we are all planning a bit of a competition between the three of us - a drag race, an autocross, and a time trial. Nothing more than some good laughs and maybe some bragging rights
Anyways, I'm excited to get tearing into this SS, and soon enough, this kit! I hope to keep things fairly well documented for my sake, but it's also fun to share progress with the others who appreciate it! Thanks for reading and hope to talk to you all soon.