For sale, new LUK F23 Clutch and Flywheel. I paid ~ $220 for it, but I used the slave cylinder (throw out bearing assembly) from the kit. Just looking to get rid of it to fund other replacement parts. Make me an offer
Does anyone have a Clutch Pedal Assembly lying around? I am an idiot and threw mine away inadvertently. I have called 60+ scrap yards (north TX area) and no one has (manual) cobalts. GM discontinued the part so I cant order it through Chevy, Autozone or O'Reilly.
My question is, doesn't...
I have an '06 supercharged donor which has the early model clutch pedal. Upon installing the pedal there seems to be a geometry/clearance issue with the steering shaft. Are there recommended solutions or am I missing something?
Does anyone have any pictures of how the clutch master cylinder is setup? What it connects to, etc. I think I know, but I would like confirmation. The same goes for the other end of the car. How does the clutch line actually connect to the transmission?
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