Coffee & Cars


Goblin Guru
I most likely will have my 12 year old son with me. He loves cars too. What time do you want to meet up?

Anyone else?



Goblin Guru
I was there at 6:40 last time which was way too early.……but I had prime parking. No one really showed up until close to 8, but parking was getting pretty tight by then. I talked to the other guys and a goblin invasion can happen. :D They will reply here shortly and we can make plans.


Goblin Guru
Does the Houston group have a plan? I am thinking of being there at 7 am and parking near the theater where Russel was last month.



Goblin Guru
Sorry. Been meaning to post. At the moment I’m planning on going. Rain would be the only thing that stops me. 7 will be my target time to get there. Do you want to meet outside of there, then go in together?

I was going to park on the other side of the street, so the sun doesn’t beat down on my seats. Anywhere other than the direct middle is fine. Supposed to have some fancy car there.


Goblin Guru
Arrow is where you enter

I parked in the circle

the line would be a good spot out of the heat.