Engine mounting tips


Well-Known Member
For those who have successfully mounted their engine and subframe, did you learn anything you think those of us that haven't should know? One thing I'm really wondering about is should I have my engine harness all connected and everything plumbed or do you have enough access to do all that after? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks again in advance!


Goblin Guru
You should have most everything mostly ready. Make sure to have the break and clutch lines in place. There is a decent room around the engine once it's in place but the job it a lot easier with much of the major items at least in the area they need to be.


Well-Known Member
Nice one! That would have caused some cursing. Sounds like the best bet is have everything attached prior to mounting.

How are the clutch cables routed? Under the gas tank and engine and then up the back of the engine to the custom mounting bracket? Does anyone have pics of this?


Goblin Guru
The video shows it pretty good. Once the lines are in there you add the engine. At that stage, everything is still movable. It’ll kind of explain itself how they run.