Failed Saturn Vue EPS Controller


Goblin Guru
My EPS controller failed this weekend. The cheap potentiometer that is used to adjust the resistance failed. No part number on it but it labeled A100K which seems to be an audio (non-linear) 100k potentiometer. No listing of wattage one in. I ordered replacement on ebay rated at 1/2w so we'll see how that works. My original might not have been just right in the beginning since it would only turn down so far.

Failure was to full assist, which is better than no assist.

I may try setting the "pot" to where I like it and try getting a resistor to match.

Desert Sasqwatch

Bigfoot Goblin
What pot were you adjusting, for which signal/circuit? I would think that playing with the factory settings is not a good idea, unless you are certain of the making something better/improved with affecting another signal/circuit. Lots of circuits in controllers are tied together sometimes and tweaking one changes another. Not trying to dis on this, but hope you are doing the right thing.

Desert Sasqwatch

Bigfoot Goblin
Oh, that's not good that failed. Just glad it's not in the EPS controller board! From the photo it looks like a 1 watt pot, but this circuit shouldn't be carry much current, only a few milliamps.


Goblin Guru
New potentiometer from eBay seems to have fixed the problem. We’ll see if it lasts.
The original started reading correctly while comparing old and new. The original had been mounted it a spot that got bumped a lot after I changed my seat mounting so it could have been abuse on my part that caused the issue. I had already relocated it so it will probably be okay.