Head gasket

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Goblin Guru
Before I order a new head gasket and bolts, I thought I would get the Goblin forum‘s opinion. I did a rolling pull on my 2009 turbo SS
( NEW ENGINE WITH Z54 TURBO ) 700 miles on engine. And then my turbo quit boosting so I thought something went wrong with turbo but under upon further investigation I found quite a lot of antifreeze coming out of exhaust. So I guess that would be the problem. Bad Head Gasket.
Am I correct in my assumption?

Desert Sasqwatch

Bigfoot Goblin
Before I order a new head gasket and bolts, I thought I would get the Goblin forum‘s opinion. I did a rolling pull on my 2009 turbo SS
( NEW ENGINE WITH Z54 TURBO ) 700 miles on engine. And then my turbo quit boosting so I thought something went wrong with turbo but under upon further investigation I found quite a lot of antifreeze coming out of exhaust. So I guess that would be the problem. Bad Head Gasket.
Am I correct in my assumption?
Most likely, since the head gasket is about the only way radiator fluid can get into the cylinder and out the exhaust. This can be catastrophic for an engine if too much fluid gets into the cylinder - it will cause a hydraulic lock and can damage pistons and valves.


Goblin Guru
Yes the head gasket is most likely the culprit. Might be a warped head causing it. Probably not a hole in the cylinder or head, but that too could put coolant into the exhaust.

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Goblin Guru
Well everything back together and works great, I have boost again and no coolant coming out of exhaust anymore
Head gasket was the problem checked head and didn’t seem to be warped . What a job that was I bet I download my remote tune from ZZP before I drive it again . Took for about 5 mile ride and boosted to only 5 pounds to make sure it was working.

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Goblin Guru
I concur. But might as well go to headstuds instead of the OEM bolts since you are replacing them anyway.
Yes and I did use new headstuds of course I was shorted a head Stud ( nut )and had to wait a couple of days for that to be delivered.
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Active Member
Hello. I'm new to the forum. I just bought a rear-ended 2009 turbo SS via online insurance auction. I've been able to get the battery charged and have been able to start the engine. I noticed some white smoke coming from the exhaust, but since it hasn't run in a while and had good oil and coolant levels I was going to run the engine up to temp to look for engine leaks. After a few minutes of revving the engine my wife observed more white smoke and then some fluid (looked like diluted oil) spraying from the exhaust, so we shut the engine down. I'm thinking (hoping?) it is just a head gasket. Any other thoughts given the fluid coming from the exhaust? As I will likely set out to replace the head gasket, I've looked online for instructions/recommendations as to how to approach it on this model car and haven't found anything. Do you have any resources you can point me to, both for the "how to" and where to get the gasket/headstuds/anything else I should do while trying to fix the engine? Thanks for the help!


Staff member
I don't think you have a head gasket problem or that anything is likely wrong with your engine. Before I would take the engine apart I would run it long enough to see if the exhaust smoke clears up.
Also if it idles smooth it probably has good compression. If it has a blown head gasket it will usually have a misfire.
It was driving down the road when it got rear-ended so if you run it for a while, as long as it has fluids, it shouldn't hurt the engine.
If the smoke is really bad shoot a video and post it on here.


Goblin Guru
Dont skimp on a head gasket. Get OEM or high end aftermarket. Learned that the hard way with a cheap Rock Auto master rebuild kit.


Active Member
Thanks for the responses. I've attached a couple pics... the donor, the engine bay, a shot of the exhaust pipe with what dripped from it and sprayed onto the garage door, and a closer picture of the spray on the garage door. This evening I hit the door with a mild degreaser spray (Fantastic like) and the spray wiped right off, almost like it was a solid particulate. It didn't seem oily. I'll take a look at it again in the morning when it is light. Thanks again for the responses.
Donor.jpgEngine.jpgSpray on garage door.jpgSpray.jpg


Goblin Guru
Soot plus a lot of humidity (moisture) can do that. Diesels do this bad. I can’t start mine near anything without making a mess on it. If it’s been sitting, there’s probably a ton of water/moisture built up in the exhaust. I’d run it and keep an eye on it. See if it clears out. if it is broke, it can’t get more broke, so might as well test now.


Goblin Guru
I agree. It's probably running rich from some bad tune and soot'ed up the exhaust. Mix a bunch of moisture in the exhaust and you get a nice carbon spray. My old 68 vette would do that from time to time. I have a spot that looks very much like that on the wall of the garage.


Staff member
All exhausts expel visible water when they are cold. After the exhaust gets hot the water comes out as an unnoticed vapor. This is why cars have a lot of white smoke coming from the exhaust on cold days.

Gasoline consists mostly of hydrocarbons—chains of carbon encircled by atoms of hydrogen. When the hydrocarbons burn, they break apart and recombine with the air. This reaction produces heat, as well as two chemical byproducts: water and carbon dioxide.


Goblin Guru
My thoughts on head studs, if the engine was designed with stretch bolts I stay with them upto 70 psi boost.
Studs do not give so when the engine warms up the headgasket gets crushed allowing it to get loose or the cylinder head deforms causing the same issue. The stretch bolt keep constant pressure on the head through the heat cycle.
Used stretch bolts on a 2.3 Ford race engine to solve a reoccurring head gasket loose problem. Was running a 2.0 SAAB 16 valve on the dyno with ARP studs with copper headgasket had to change to stretch bolts and a stock headgasket was running 30 psi boost.