Instructional Build Videos


Staff member
A couple of years back we disassembled three donors, a Base Auto, an SS Supercharged, and an SS Turbocharged, powder-coated three frames but could never seem to pencil in enough time to shoot new videos.

Now that we have an unbelievably awesome crew we have been able to set aside some time to start making progress. This may be a bit ambitious but I hope to hand over the first video footage to Adam for editing next month.

We already have the first step completed, set aside a well lit area for videoing.

The next step is to go through all of the donor parts, times three, and make sure we have functional clean and painted donor parts so we don't have to stop in the middle of shooting every other day to do cleaning and sourcing. Luckily we already have the wiring harnesses done for all three.

In the next few weeks, Brenda and Courtney will pull the three kits so we can get started. I'm excited.


Goblin Guru
What do you do with the cars after you are done shooting?

Please keep the background music, I loved that music!
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Desert Sasqwatch

Bigfoot Goblin
A couple of years back we disassembled three donors, a Base Auto, an SS Supercharged, and an SS Turbocharged, powder-coated three frames but could never seem to pencil in enough time to shoot new videos.

Now that we have an unbelievably awesome crew we have been able to set aside some time to start making progress. This may be a bit ambitious but I hope to hand over the first video footage to Adam for editing next month.

We already have the first step completed, set aside a well lit area for videoing.
View attachment 23074

The next step is to go through all of the donor parts, times three, and make sure we have functional clean and painted donor parts so we don't have to stop in the middle of shooting every other day to do cleaning and sourcing. Luckily we already have the wiring harnesses done for all three.

In the next few weeks, Brenda and Courtney will pull the three kits so we can get started. I'm excited.
So the question is can at least one of the builds be done by the gals at DF? It would be a great way to capture more female members and hopefully builders. If done creatively a little 'competition' with the guys thrown in would go a long ways in the marketing aspect. IMO. :D


Goblin Guru
Looking forward to seeing the new videos :)

Editing videos is not an easy task, especially to have them look as good as the ones you guys have done.

What software does Adam use, I have been recording ever minute of my tear down so far And using LumaFusion to edit them.

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Well-Known Member
This is good news. The videos you already have are excellent, looking forward to seeing more and learning more. Keep up the great work!


Staff member
Our plans are to build all three at the same time, purple auto, red supercharged, and green turbo while keeping them all at the same build step.

Most of the videos will be of the green turbo car because it will have the most complexities and only shoot videos of assembly differences on the other two.

We are going to try to keep the videos as short as possible showing only one step at a time and/or one baggie of parts at a time. This will help a builder find where he or she left off and not have to go searching through a 15-minute video. And if a builder has a question they can call out a video name which will lead everybody to the correct information. If that video needs some clarification we can re-edit that one video without having to edit and redo a 15-minute video.

If we make changes to the Goblin in the future we will only need to pull down one small video and upload its replacement.

We started laying out all of the parts yesterday and making a list of things to purchase. I am starting to realize how many parts we have liberated from these three donors. Darn!

It could easily be the first of June before the first video is edited and released. Editing style, displayed messages, sound, and several other things will need to be locked in before moving forward because if we need to do something different it will be hard to go back and reshoot.


Goblin Guru
I remember when I visited last time either Adam or you telling me what an investment of effort and time expense it is to shoot good build videos; most people probably don’t realize it. Glad you guys are able to get it done. I know they will be of great quality.


Goblin Guru
Our plans are to build all three at the same time, purple auto, red supercharged, and green turbo while keeping them all at the same build step.

Most of the videos will be of the green turbo car because it will have the most complexities and only shoot videos of assembly differences on the other two.

We are going to try to keep the videos as short as possible showing only one step at a time and/or one baggie of parts at a time. This will help a builder find where he or she left off and not have to go searching through a 15-minute video. And if a builder has a question they can call out a video name which will lead everybody to the correct information. If that video needs some clarification we can re-edit that one video without having to edit and redo a 15-minute video.

If we make changes to the Goblin in the future we will only need to pull down one small video and upload its replacement.

We started laying out all of the parts yesterday and making a list of things to purchase. I am starting to realize how many parts we have liberated from these three donors. Darn!

It could easily be the first of June before the first video is edited and released. Editing style, displayed messages, sound, and several other things will need to be locked in before moving forward because if we need to do something different it will be hard to go back and reshoot.
Okay so I’m changing from the purple one to the green one.