It's just a Cobalt, guys...

Ark :D

Goblin Guru
I'm always amused when I see these types of comments. We're not taking apart a Lamborghini here, people ... it's just a Cobalt. Aidan, whoever you are on the DF forum, if you're here ... don't worry about ripping apart a wrecked SS/TC sedan, you're about to help it evolve into something bigger and better.




Goblin Guru
Its a market of supply and demand. If the demand was there to warrant a 5 figure price on a sedan, then the market would figure out the supply issue. In other words, if it was worth 5 figures, somebody would have spent the money at auction and rebuilt the car.


Goblin Guru
I find it funny that people think a wrecked, salvage titled vehicle is worth 5 figures. It's an $8k vehicle at most, once rebuilt, due to the mileage. Otherwise, it's worth whatever someone is willing to pay for it, and clearly it wasn't 5 figures when you bought it at the insurance auction.


Staff member
I find it funny that people think a wrecked, salvage titled vehicle is worth 5 figures. It's an $8k vehicle at most, once rebuilt, due to the mileage. Otherwise, it's worth whatever someone is willing to pay for it, and clearly it wasn't 5 figures when you bought it at the insurance auction.
Especially considering this pristine 1,100 miles SS sedan went for $15,000 just a month and a half ago. A rebuilt salvage SS sedan with 48k miles is not going to go for 5 figures.



Goblin Guru
This is the basis of life on the internet, You can't make everyone happy and I sure as heck don't try to or care.



Goblin Guru
I like to poke that bear on the SS forums all the time. people get angry when their precious ferraribalts and cobaginis get parted out.


Well-Known Member
A rebuilt salvage SS sedan with 48k miles is not going to go for 5 figures.
I don't think a lot of people realize the loss of value salvage and rebuilt titles do to a car. It's basically a scarlet letter for anything legal (DMV, insurance, etc.). Heck, my insurance raised an alarm when a used Mustang I bought a few years ago was in a minor accident where an airbag went off and crunched a bumper. I would have never known because it had impeccable body work done, and any repairs were done correctly. And they still gave me the "just so you know what you bought" spiel.

Ark :D

Goblin Guru
I don't think a lot of people realize the loss of value salvage and rebuilt titles do to a car. It's basically a scarlet letter for anything legal (DMV, insurance, etc.). Heck, my insurance raised an alarm when a used Mustang I bought a few years ago was in a minor accident where an airbag went off and crunched a bumper. I would have never known because it had impeccable body work done, and any repairs were done correctly. And they still gave me the "just so you know what you bought" spiel.
Exactly. Branded titles are worth literally nothing in a dealer trade. In 2001, I bought a 2000 Mustang GT convertible with 11k on the odo and a R title for about $16k (lightly used, non-R ones were between $23-25k at the time). A year later, I check with a local Ford dealer on what I could get for a trade and their response was "Well, it's worth nothing to us because of the branded title, but if you trade it in on a NEW Explorer, we'll spot you some value, let's say $3k." I pushed back, and the most they would give me would have been $5k, and ONLY if I bought a new vehicle.