Lower engine noise??


Goblin Guru
The noise starts after the engine gets warm. I thought the water pump was going out so I installed a new one not top of the line but new. I have removed the thermostat so that's not causing water flow problems. I'm not sure what's going on here, what's the thoughts of the group?

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Goblin Guru
Have you done timing chain and gears? Though this actually reminds me of a tensioner or idler pulley noise.
No I haven't done the chain and gears yet. Yup I was thinking a pulley also, that's why I pulled the belt before the video's. After looking at the engine diagram I think it's going to be an oil pump. If so, then it's time for timing chain and delete the balance shafts.


Goblin Guru
From your vid I couldn't tell if the belt was on or not, hard to see on my phone. I don't think I've ever heard an oil pump going out. Then again mine is mostly V8 experience and they usually fail from the drive shaft breaking, so no noise when the pump drive shaft fails. Low oil pressure? I don't think I have ever heard anyone speak of an EcoTec oil pump failure. Which in it's self I find a little odd? This unit is a gearotor pump, if it is failing you'll probably have more to fix than the pump. I would really like to see what it is you discover upon disassembly!


Goblin Guru
After experiencing your video again, I'm betting on a chunk of broken chain guide trapped in an awkward spot with the chain rubbing it.


Goblin Guru
Good news and bad news. If I was back panning for gold in Alaska it's time to bring in the hoe.. But if checking for bearing material in oil it's time to pull the motor...

Desert Sasqwatch

Bigfoot Goblin
Does a magnet pick the pieces up? If not it is likely bearing material or aluminum pieces. If not it could be timing chain pieces. Either way it's not good.


Goblin Guru
Yeah I wouldn't think the oil pump gears would be bronze could be but not thinking my luck is that good.