No speedo car sputters


Well-Known Member
Ok false alarm. Car runs fine(struggling idle on cold start sometimes) but still getting that 1 and 2 misfire, also drove the car about 5-10 miles and accumulated about 3 to 4 oz of unburnt e85 in the catch can, slight yellow tint. This can is routed with the hole in the manifold between the head and blocked off pcv to catch can to turbo inlet. Seems like I'm getting excessive blowby to fill up so fast. So either cylinders are toast or injector issues. I have the opels. Swapped coils and plugs made no difference. Compression test and trying to swap opels are my next course of action?


Well-Known Member
Compression test may possibly show something but a cylinder leakage test would probably be a better test if you suspect blow by


Well-Known Member
So update,compression came back at 165-170 across all cylinders, valve cover gasket and intake manifold gasket look good. Tested fuel in the tank and it's e47. What's my next step swapping injectors around to try and see if it's them?


Goblin Guru
So, is it tuned for E47 or E85 or flex fuel sensor?

By swapping injectors, do you mean changing to different injectors? Do you have a way to check misfire counters on individual cylinders?

Without being able to see some live data it's hard to do anything but guess at the problem. Have you been able to verify fuel pressure? What do fuel trims look like? Does it run ok for a while before it starts missing?


Goblin Guru
I'll also add that if you are driving with misfires, the o2 sensor will see that as lean and keep trying to add fuel even though it isn't actually running lean. This could account for the excess in the catch can.

And how long has the car been on the road?


Well-Known Member
I have a video of the car idling and HP tuners constantly counting misfire on 1 and 2. The car is tuned for e47, I got it tuned probably 4-6 weeks ago and was running good. Got it going this year have probably 500 or so miles on it.

Had my tuner look at the last log file I sent him fuel pressure and pulses are where they are suppose to be. When I reset the ECU it went away for maybe 10 minutes then comes back, can hear it at idle and throws the codes. P0300,301,302


Goblin Guru
Post a log tune and log on here and I'll try and look at it this weekend.

I would also check the wiring diagram and see if cylinders 1&2 share wiring for coils or injectors that isn't shared by 3&4. The odds of 2 coils or 2 injectors going bad at the exact same time is pretty remote, but of course not impossible. If all of the cylinders are misfiring similar amounts that would lead to my original suspicion of fuel pressure or maf/map problem.


Well-Known Member
Swapped injectors on the opels. Drove about a mile with a little pull on the hwy not much. Emptied about 1 ounces of fuel out of the catch can, some misfires on the log here and there. When I got back and idled it it was counting high on cylinder 2 with some on cylinder 1.

Attached 2 logs (12misfires) was when I first encountered the issue. (Misfires) Is after I took everything apart and looked at it and swapped injectors it's the most recent)


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Goblin Guru
Like I said it will be the weekend before I get a chance to review the logs? Did the bulk of the misfires follow to the cylinder-injector change?


Well-Known Member
I saw that you said that yes. The misfires are still on 1/2 after the injector, plug, coil change. Gaskets looked good. When the car was in open loop after a cold start it was fine, as soon as temp went up and went into closed loop it said fault and started missing. Did some research and seems like it could be an o2 fault but not getting an o2 code. The constant removal of the coils caused one to come apart so picked up a new set, on order.


Well-Known Member
Changed to new coils, plugs, and o2 sensor. Car starts right up ran fine for a few minutes. After that cylinder 1 and 2 counting misfires, to the point I could unplug the coils and hear no change. Something is going on that when I pull the ECU fuse to reset it it idles fine then something triggers the misfiring but I don't know.


Well-Known Member
Figured it out and tested. I was getting fumes and condensation from my catch can and pcv. Explains why the car was running rich. Pinched my pcv line and idle smoothed and no misfires. Just running a vented front catch can now. Sucks because I bought the TTR pcv valve and the blowby I'm getting is messing everything up. I'm on e47 and my compression is good. Car runs smoother now at idle and under acceleration as there isn't anymore fluctuations without fumes and condensation.


Goblin Guru
You have to be careful on how you run aftermarket “catch cans”. It’s easy to cause more problems than you fix.


Well-Known Member
As can be seen, guess I'll just have to run it how it is. Idk how others have faired with running that pcv valve setup, seems to be popular.


Well-Known Member
Issue resolved. Bad hpfp leaking fuel into the head. Replaced, drove around, have maybe 1/2oz and some actually oil residue not just fuel in the can.