They generally require a little effort. Some folks file/hone the shock body opening. Some use heat on the body or freeze the bearings, some use a bearing installation tool, some use a socket and a mallet and send it.
Got the intake and turbo-to-manifold plumbing done. I had to take a break from the engine harness so I knocked that out. I only have a couple of connections I need to go back and identify in my pre-tear-down pics. My harness was pretty rough and I'm trying to tidy it up before rewrapping and...
I am having some trouble with my coilovers. For the front ones I cannot seem to put the joint in straight. I have tried the method described in the video but that didn't work so I put it into my vice and tried pressing it through but that also did not go in straight and damaged the inside of...
Your next response back to QA1 should include - whom in Quality is checking to be certain the eye machining process is still within control standards AND it meets the requirements for the supplied bearings they are getting from their supplier? I'm a Quality Engineer and stuff like this, when we are seeing it repeated multiple times now, is definitely a sign that someone is not doing their job!
Having the exact same issue right now. It is quite frustrating. I have 2 of the four bearings in and broke one of them by accident so I had to order a new set. QA1 seems like they might have some quality control issues!
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