I've been slowly chipping away at things on the to-do list. I still have the last few harness videos to get through. I should be able to get that done in the coming weeks. This is a pretty busy time of year for me and we have a trip to Disney coming up. The Mouse has been stealing my build funds.
The most recent work has been done to the frame getting it ready for powder. I cut off the side mirror mounts since I'm going to run a clamp on style. I've also decided to mount the heat exchanger on the rear so I've been working on a mount for that.
I decided to bolt flat aluminum plate to the frame for seat mounts instead of welding tubing in. Using 3 inch wide pieces to give some adjustability and room for my incorrect measurements!
Started painting the floor with spray on bedliner. With my poor applicator skills and this stuff not going on even anyway it looks a little crappy. Since its just the floor I'm not too worried. If someone is getting a close look at that we have bigger problems!
Hopefully there is a steady flow of progress and updates from here on out!